Pre-Algebra and Algebra I

Pre-Algebra and Algebra I contain combinations of cumulative steps throughout each course. Looking at the whole can be overwhelming. That is why we address the parts that were not completely grasped along the way. Within one or two sessions, our algebra tutors can identify the problem areas, reteach them in an understandable manner, and apply them to the current chapter. Think about climbing a pyramid, like the ones in Egypt. If a lower level is cracked or just not fully developed, the rest of the pyramid above it will be unsteady. We make sure our students’ foundations are solid because they affect their growth in the subject for years to come. The tools and resources they gain when working with one of our tutors fortifies their foundation and prepares them for each subsequent step. The concepts learned in math continuously build upon one another and repeat for years. Without knowing how to complete step one or two, there will be extreme difficulty in successfully achieving step three. We make sure to go at the pace of the student so they are not left behind. Once a student is caught up, we also strive to help get him/her ahead. One of our goals is to get to a point where the student is learning from our tutors and being reinforced by their teachers. Their classroom experience will transition from, “Wait, I don’t understand” to “I get this!” At this point, their test scores will dramatically increase and they will ace their quizzes and chapter tests.