History/Social Studies

From elementary level social studies to Advanced Placement (AP) U.S. Government, our History tutors are well qualified and highly educated to help students succeed in what can often be seen as a dry subject. The truth is that history holds so many wonderful stories and important learning opportunities. Having a secure knowledge in the past will help students thrive in the future. The main problem students face when studying history is memorization because of the different names, dates and events that one must remember. Our History tutors bring this content to life and convey it in a practical manner by implementing specific memorization methods and techniques. With their help, students become interested in learning the material and motivated to memorize the facts.
Once a student is caught up, we also strive to help get him/her ahead. One of our goals is to get to a point where the student is learning from our tutors and being reinforced by their teachers. Their classroom experience will transition from, “Wait, I don’t understand” to “I get this!” At this point, their test scores will dramatically increase and they will ace their quizzes and chapter tests.