
Geometry is a different type of math. It does involve computations and numbers, but it really consists of shapes and figures. Surprisingly, this is one of the most applicable of the math subjects taken in high school. Knowing these applications, our geometry tutors are able to provide fun and dynamic methods to learning what is often perceived as a difficult and confusing subject. Geometry can be overwhelming to face as a whole, but just as all math subjects, it is best to take it on step by step. For example, the dreaded proof can be a challenge when trying to decide which step to take when. Our tutors help alleviate that anxiety by showing that is more like a puzzle where each step can reveal the following one, much like a line of dominoes falling over. Graphs and number lines will begin to make sense as well as the linear equations that go with them.
Once a student is caught up, we also strive to help get him/her ahead. One of our goals is to get to a point where the student is learning from our tutors and being reinforced by their teachers. Their classroom experience will transition from, “Wait, I don’t understand” to “I get this!” At this point, their test scores will dramatically increase and they will ace their quizzes and chapter tests.