Study And Organizational Skills

One of the most important skills that students can acquire is how to properly study. This skill has become more and more difficult for this generation to master due to the constant stimulation from technology that surrounds them. With everything being instantaneous, many of today’s youth have not been given a fair opportunity to learn time management and discipline. Our study skills tutors work individually with their student on improving organizational skills, reading comprehension, and proven memorizing techniques. Furthermore, they teach successful time management, stress management, and test-taking strategies. The importance of organizational skills must be elaborated here. Our tutors will help the students organize their workspace to be more efficient and less distracting. Having a proper workspace can make a huge difference in the student’s ability to focus and retain information. Proper time management will coincide with how well they can successfully study daily. Here is just a short list of the Study Skills tutoring we offer our students.
- Reading Comprehension
- Stress Management
- Time Management
- Memorizing Techniques
- Organizational Strategies and Techniques
- Test-Taking Strategies
- Note-Taking Techniques
- Long-Term Academic Goals
- Planning